Monday, September 16, 2013

I Was a PublishAmerica Author

I admit it--I was a PublishAmerica author. This is probably not the brightest thing I've ever owned up to, particularly online where the whole world can see it. But this kind of information tends to crop up sooner or later. And as we all kniw, all things posted to the Internet last forever. Someone was bound to see these books posted on Amazon...
Yep, books. Plural. I submitted two books to PublishAmerica, so technically I've doubled my sins. If nothing else, this expereince proves the adage that a person who represents himself has a fool for a client. In my case at least, the writer was not the best choice for editor.
I'm not ashamed of those two books, just significantly embarassed. I could've produced a much better product with an editor who wasn't so attached to the material. Some of the entries could've used more polish; some of it was downright embarassing and should never have seen print.
Neither book sold very well, by the way, which was as much as my shoulders as the puilbishers. So there, I've unburdened myself. I hope everyone cna overlook my past errors. Thnaks for putting up with me.