Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Knives vs. Guns

Talk that compares Banning Knives
vs. Banning Guns is spurious at best
A Knife is not a Weapon of Mass Destruction
One has to make an Effort to push the blade
Through Flesh, Muscle, Bone
Not to mention that nifty outfit you’re wearing
You’re only able to take out one person at a time
And you have to get Up Close & Personal
A Gun removes those limitations
A Gun is Stupid Easy
Depending on the range of your weapon,
You never have to go near your target
You can spray a volley of bullets
Hundreds to a magazine
In a matter of seconds
And you never have to get your victim’s blood
All over your nice flannel shirt
You would never have to make a
Human Connection                                                
To your murder victims at all

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tentative Cover art

All right, here we go. This is what I had in mind for the new book, provisionally titled Fathers & Daughters. Hoping to publish it later this year. Thanks. 

new website: