Saturday, November 2, 2013

Interview Extract: Jamai Dlamii (Fictional)

BLOG--You've consistently refused being termed a 'mutant', 'psychic', 'medium' et al. May I ask why?
JAMAI--Because they're just labels. They're another way of saying 'you're a freak, you don't belong.'
B--I take it you're not fond of labels.
J--I despise them. It's just another way of dividing people, of keeping them down. Listen, my husband's uncle once told me that words have a profound effect on our social relations. When I was young I was stupid enough to let myself be blinkered by these insults.
B--I'd never call you stupid.
J--Appreciated. I'll give you an example of what I mean from your own day and age. The great Miles Davis was invited to participate in a charity record--"Sun City", and the umbrella title for the group was Artists United Against Apartheid. The project was spearheaded by Steven Van Zandt. Miles' part was to be edited into a jazz track, but at some point in his performance, Miles started muttering, "you can't go in there, you're the wrong color."
B--"The Struggle Continues," that was the track.
J--Good. There's hope for you yet. Well, Miles' rap was entirely spontaneous, but so truthful, that they built that whole track around it.
B--I guess what you're saying is today, right now, you're comfortable with who you are?
J--Why shouldn't I be? I tried to fit in, to be like 'everybody else'. But the truth is, people or bosses or your leaders will never be satisfied no matter how much you try to fit in. Why should I change to satisfy them? Why make myself uncomfortable with myself? I'm a person and I'm different. So what? I don't have to prove anything to anyone but myself. And neither do you. If who you are isn't good enough form "them", whoever "they" are, they can get stuffed!
(shared laughter)

this writer's book BUTTERFLY AND SERPENT is still available at as a paperback or Kindle. Check it out.

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