Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Why Donald Trump will Never be on my Hit Parade

     Hey, is anyone else as personally offended by Donald J. Trump's stand on immigrants as I am? Everyone in my family should be offended by his inflammatory garbage, especially that nonsense abut building a Berlin Wall all over the U.S.-Mexican border. Yeah, like walls have ever been a successful deterrent; people always seem to find a way around those fekkin' things. Look at the Maginot Line: "oui, thees weel keep out those pesky Germans." Look it up, see how well that worked. But I digress.

     Apart from the fact that Trump is a typical Republican clone whose only appeal is to the paranoid John Birch Society rednecks, it should be pointed out to all of you gimps, that every White Person in America is in fact the descendant of immigrants, and not just the British; we have always had a very large measure of German blood in our white-stock, from colonial days on, as well as Lithuanian, Polish, Italian and every other cultural sector of Europe. On my father's side there are a lot of Danish and Scandanavian great-grandparents. and then there's Abuela.
     Aha, abrupt shift change. 'Abuela', you says? For all you gringos who flunked Spanish, that's the Hispanic word for 'grandmother', and that's how we always knew her. We never thought of her as 'a person of Hispanic origin', or any of the less flattering words fluttering through your paranoid brains. She was always Abuela, although technically she was our great-grandmother.
     She came to New York at the turn of the century from Puerto Rico, she worked all her life and raised a brilliant person we knew as Grandma. Abuela was second to none when it came to preparing traditional Spanish foods, though to be honest I was a bit of a turd when it came to that, being a picky eater and all. I can't remember a time when Abuela ever spoke to us in anger or belittled us. Honestly, she probably should have since we were all a bunch of little hooligans.
     Immigration idiocy aside, I'm always concerned that some people would want to place the Football that the President always carried, with all the nuclear codes to launch a world-ending strike, into the hands of a man who has publicly referred to himself in the third person. You know, only nuts in the movies do that. The problem with bullhorns like Trump is, they don't differentiate between those who came here illegally or not. In his mind all Latinos, Mexican people especially fit into the stereotype of 'dirty little drunks y'all cain't trust wit' a silver dollar'. You know that's how John Birchers feel, that's how Mexican people were portrayed in all the old Hollywood movies.
     Trump would deport any and all Latinos, given half a chance, and he'd use the excuse they've always used when an immigrant group becomes inconvenient: "Oh, them dirty foreigners is takin' aw jobs away!" That's a bad habit of ours, to invite immigrants into this country to do the hard dangerous work, work them to death like slaves; then, once the job is done, we turn on them and hound them out of the country or pass abominable laws to keep them out. That's what happened to the Chinese and the Irish who build this country's railroads. (The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which was not repealed until 19-fekkin'-43. No surprise, it was introduced into the House by a Republican, Horace F. Page.)

Our Documents- the Chinese Exclusion Act-1882

     As for the issue of 'taking our jobs away'? I call b.s. The sorry truth, and we all know is, is that Latino people are hired in the U.S. of A. for minimal wage jobs-cleaning floors, farm labor and other jobs white people wouldn't bring themselves to do. Ni skilled positions are being taken away by,  or given to, people of Hispanic origin. We've frittered the best jobs away over the last 30 years to outsourcing to Chinese and others who work for virtually non-existent paychecks, in conditions so terrible that naming them 'sweatshops' would be a understatement.
     You have to wonder sometimes why Hispanic people risk life and limb, trying to bypass INS and keep on coming here. Why? I think we've made it abundantly clear that to a lot of people, they are just not welcome. That's certainly the case with politicians who need to appear tough on something sometimes, and immigrants are always an easy target for idiots. That's really a disservice to our nation, because the best ideas, the best minds, hell some of the best foods have come from people who are 'not from around here.'
     Now you're asking me to support a man who would;ve happily deported my great-grandmother? Huh. I'd find that laughable if so many nutjobs in this country weren't pathetic enough to support him.

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