Thursday, July 27, 2017

Sample, 'Points of Reference'

“Colonel, what happened to the Naga Sentry?”       

He wouldn’t, or couldn’t look at me. He kept his eyes on the double vault of airlock doors ahead of us. There were guys in spacesuits a lot like my skinsuit, but with helmets, preparing a spacepod just for me.    

“Your parents were good people. All of the people on that ship were good people. I couldn’t stand the sight of that thing. I had orders to bring it in to port. I was commanding a brig carrying it in our cargo hold. When we passed behind the star to make  a standard orbital approach, I flushed it into Alexis’ photosphere.”             

I nodded. “Good.”       

“You’ve never talked about the seven months you spent as a Loner on that ship.”       “

Why would I want to?”          

I shut my eyes tight. Just like that a flash of memory returned, as real as when it happened. My father standing over my mother’s body, staring at his hands. His running screaming into the calesthetics ring between sleep pods until another crazy passenger shivved him.        

Me, seven years old, wheeling my parents’ bodies on their own sleep cot to the science lab freezer where we stored cellular samples for seeding on A-Seven. I secured them on their mat, spooning them together in death as they’d been in life, before this fucking voyage began. Then I shut the freezer door.      

“It’s ready,” the Colonel grunted. “How about you?”               

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

[a very short chapter for a story using my DeviantArt character Lianna]

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